searchForTrack method

  1. @override
Future<List<YouTubeResult>> searchForTrack(
  1. String query, [
  2. int itemCount = 5

Searches YouTube for the given query.


Future<List<YouTubeResult>> searchForTrack(
  String query, [
  itemCount = 5,
]) async {
  var searchResults = await;

  var results = <YouTubeResult>[];

  while (results.length < itemCount) {
    var mainArtist ='- Topic').first;

    // We extract the album name from the description if it starts with 'Provided to YouTube by '.
    // NOTE: auto-generated youtube description goes like this:
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Example #01
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Provided to YouTube by DistroKid                                       (Provider)
    // Ira · Ivory Rasmus                                                     (Title) · (Artist)
    // Ira                                                                    (Album)
    // ℗ And Friends                                                          (Label)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Example #02
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group                           (Provider)
    // Abracadabra · Lady Gaga                                                (Title) · (Artist)
    // Abracadabra                                                            (Album)
    // ℗ 2024 Interscope Records                                              (Label)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // We're using a convoluted split because the scraped description doesn't always come with
    // "\n\n" even if youtube has the newlines in it's rendering.
    String? album;

    if (searchResults.first.description.startsWith('Provided to YouTube by ')) {
      try {
        album = searchResults.first.description.split(mainArtist)[1].split('℗').first.trim();
      } catch (_) {
        album = null;

    // Extract highest bitrate audio stream URL.
    var streamManifest = await _youtubeEngine.videos.streams.getManifest(;
    var dlUrl = streamManifest.audioOnly.withHighestBitrate().url.toString();

    // Add the search result to the list.
        artists: [mainArtist],
        title: searchResults.first.title,
        album: album,
        sDuration: searchResults.first.duration!.inSeconds,
        srcUrl: searchResults.first.url,
        dlUrl: dlUrl,

    // Remove the first element from the search results.
    var _ = searchResults.removeAt(0);

    // If the search results are empty, fetch the next page.
    if (searchResults.isEmpty) {
      var nextResultSet = await searchResults.nextPage();

      if (nextResultSet == null) {
      } else {
        searchResults = nextResultSet;

  return results;